Are Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio friends?

Johnny Depp

Johnny  Depp II and Leonardo DiCaprio are two of the most successful actors in the America movie industry. They are two of the most awarded and nominated actors.

They also have a commercial appeal that gets them some of the highest salaries for actors ever recorded.

This they repay with their ability to attract many audiences globally, making films they star in gross revenues in the hundreds of millions.

Johnny Depp was born in the state of Kentucky in the year 1963. Leonardo was born in November of 1974 in the state of California.

Are Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio friends?

The two starred together in the movie ‘What’s Eating Gilbert Grape’. And their relationship on set could best be described as strictly professional.

Johnny was the more established actor at the time while Leonardo was in the early stages of his career.

The two did not see eye to eye on every issue, however, things never got too serious and the movie production was completed successfully.
